mercoledì 11 marzo 2009

Redemption of Online Advertising - CTR in Europe

Today Emarketer published new interesting data about Click Thorugh Rate or CTR of Online Adv Format. Since is one of the most keyword/argument thourgh users arrive on my Blog, i think useful post here something about and invite you to read more here on EMarketer

According to a study of more than 10 billion banner inquiries across Europe from ADTECH (not to be confused with ad:tech), the average click-through rate fluctuates between 0.11% and 0.19%.

ADTECH found that the size of the ad also affects the click rate. Not surprisingly, bigger is better.

A glance up at the chart reveals that the majority of clicks in the display field go to pop-ups, layers and the half-size format (234x60), with an average of 0.5% each. Video ads performed even better at an average 1.7% click rate.
I already reported here results of Research made by DoubleClick where you can find confirmation about the "size does matters" theory.

sabato 7 marzo 2009

Envisioning the Future

...some could say "worrying!" some others could say"fantastic!"
Give a look to the future toghether to Microsoft